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Directors’ and officers’ liability insurance covers your directors, officers, employees and other insured persons for investigations and claims made against them as individuals as a result of the performance of their duties for a company.

The insurance will cover claims and investigations arising from:

  • Breach of duty, breach of trust, negligence, defamation, breach of warranty of authority;
  • Bodily injury or damage to property, including claims and investigations under the provisions of the Corporate Manslaughter and Homicide Act 2007 or the Health & Safety at Work etc. Act 1974;
  • The misuse of data, including a breach of any data protection legislation.

Cover can also include:

  • The costs to reduce the likelihood or consequence of an investigation;
  • The costs incurred to make a compulsory notification to an official body;

In addition to the Directors & Officers Insurance cover we can also include Corporate Legal Liability Insurance and Employment Practices Liability Insurance.

If you wish to discuss any of the above insurances, please call one of our team or complete & send the contact form.

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