Errors & Omissions (E&O) Insurance is arranged to cover the productions against lawsuits alleging unauthorised use. Despite good management and legal clearances, a production company may still face legal action from a mistake or a failure to act that was not intended.
Errors and Omissions protects against claims from:
This insurance will often be required by a distributor, broadcaster or financier prior to the release of any theatrical or TV production and cover can either be arranged on an annual basis to cover all productions throughout the year; or we can arrange individual cover for specific productions depending on your requirements.
Quartz Schemes available:
Quartz can provide production specific schemes offering discounted E&O insurance for the following:
Insurance available as standard under these schemes provides:
However higher limits and longer cover periods are available where required. Please see guidelines and proposal forms attached for each scheme for further details and to see if your production qualifies.